Drawing is so many things for me. It is a method of recording in the first place, obviously. But in that, drawing is observation—observing a subject over time, in contrast to the immediacy of photography. It is subjective in nature by way of your hand, your handwriting, and can reflect emotion as such. But more than anything drawing is a meditation, resulting in a reflection that is very much mine, whether it is approaching photorealism or something more impressionistic or expressionistic. Drawing results in enhanced seeing for me.
Portraits in Transit
People watching is a joy. In New York it is a never-ending opportunity—the Metropolitan Museum of live portraits. Riding the subways or other modes of public transportation allow for extended observation. I more often than not have a pocket-sized sketchbook on me and a pen or pencil. Drawing is seeing for me. Transit time is a perfect time for sketching the people I travel with, to really see them, to see every detail in the beauty of their faces. Some sketches reach completeness on the train, others I add color to when I get home, and in a few cases I redraw my sketches in Adobe Illustrator. In all cases I enjoy capturing faces and giving expression to those whether I draw them with pen, pencil, eraser or mouse.

© 2023. Erik Schurink. All rights reserved. Website designed by Emma Schurink: emma.schurink@gmail.com